The Opportunity Passport™ program can help you build a brighter financial future.
General Information
Opportunity Passport™ is a program through the Annie E. Casey Foundation that provides youth with financial education and a matched savings program so youth can save money and purchase specific items that help them with life goals. To participate in Opportunity Passport™ (OP) youth must complete the financial literacy training and open a bank account. The money you save will be matched, dollar for dollar up to $1,000 per year and a $3,000 lifetime maximum towards a purchase.
Who is eligible?
- People between 14-25 years old
- Currently or have been in the Maine foster care system for at least one day since the age of 14
- Participate in financial education training through Jobs for Maine’s Graduates
- Have a job or an ongoing, reliable source of income
- Have the desire and commitment to saving money
- Have government issued identification (state ID, license or passport)
You can be referred to this program through a caseworker, foster parent, educator, support staff or yourself! Youth are encouraged to contact the program as soon as they are interested because there is a wait list to participate.
Items which can be purchased with the matched savings program:
Education: tuition, room & board, computers
Housing: rent, purchase a home, furnishings
Transportation: vehicles and certain associated expenses, repairs, bus passes
Medical: dental and health costs
Investments: Certificates of Deposit and retirement accounts
Jobs for Maine Graduates (JMG) coordinates the Opportunity Passport™ program in Maine. For more information visit
Maine Youth Transition Collaborative (MYTC) has information about OP™ and Maine Youth Match Stories. Check it out at
The Jim Casey Youth Opportunities Initiative website provides young people transitioning from foster care to adulthood with financial education. For more information visit
Contact Information
Debbie Bechard
Jobs for Maine’s Graduates
45 Commerce Drive, Suite 9
Augusta, ME 04330
Phone: (207) 620-7180