Interact with Tact

As you text, chat, or post comments, remember that it’s really no different than talking with someone in person. If you wouldn’t say it to someone’s face, it’s not OK to type it.

Politeness counts. 

Quick texts can lead to misunderstandings – so think about how your message might be read and understood before you send.

Take it easy. 

Using all CAPS, long rows of exclamation points, or large bolded fonts is the same as shouting. AND NO ONE LIKES TO BE YELLED AT!!!!!

Send group messages with care. 

Think about who needs to see your message before sending to multiple people. And double-check that you’re replying to the person or people you intend to see your message.

Don’t stand for bullying – online or off. 

Treat others the way you want to be treated.

Remember what’s real. 

When you’re playing a multiplayer game or exploring a virtual world where you can create a character and interact with others, keep in mind that real people are behind those characters on the screen. Respect their feelings just like you would in person.

Don’t impersonate. 

It’s wrong and can be hurtful to create profiles, comments, or posts that seem to come from someone else – like someone in your class or a teacher at your school.

Speak up. 

If you see something inappropriate on a social networking site or in a game, let the website know and tell an adult you trust. Using “report abuse” links can help keep sites fun for everyone.


Cyberbullying is bullying or harassment that happens online. It can happen in a text message, an online game, or on a social networking site. It might involve rumors, comments, or images posted on someone’s profile or passed around for other people to see. Bullying is a lose-lose proposition. It often makes the person being harassed feel bad – and it always makes the bully look bad. It also might lead to punishment from school authorities or the police. What to do about cyberbullying If you witness cyberbullying, tell the bully to stop. Most kids don’t bully, and there’s no reason for anyone to put up with it. This mean behavior usually stops pretty quickly when somebody stands up for the person being bullied. If someone harasses you online, keep a cool head, and don’t respond. Most people realize that bullying is wrong. Sometimes you can stop bullying if you ignore or block the person. You also can report abuse to the website where it’s taking place. Save the evidence and ask for help from an adult you trust.


Your best friend forwards a message from another friend, saying mean things about someone in your class. Do you send it to someone else? Tell your best friend that it’s not cool to share mean messages? Do you ignore it? How would it feel if someone shared mean messages about you? 

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